Monday, December 31, 2007


The Alta Plaza hawk got his first documented non-insect/worm meal today courtesy of a field mouse. At midnight he'll officially be considered a second-year bird. It seems his hunting skills are improving steadily each day and he is also beginning to develop discernible patterns with regard to his movements around the park, favoured perches, etc...

Let's hope he sticks around for the winter.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hawking in the Rain

Passing by Alta Plaza park I spotted the young Red-tailed Hawk on the power lines and decided to see how he behaves in the rain. Needless to say the worm feast continues. He seems to be acclimating to my presence as he flew within 5 feet of me on 4 separate occasions. Here are some of the nicer rain-soaked moments.

One of several close passes.

Drying feathers soaked by landing in wet grass.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Niño de la Tierra

At the Randall museum today an adult Red-tailed Hawk flew down and landed about 15 feet from me and made quick work of a Jerusalem Cricket (aka - Niño de la Tierra). More evidence of the importance of insects in the diet of Red-tails.

It took a moment to orient the insect correctly... maybe because they can inflict a bite with their mandibles.

Click the image to get a better sense of scale. This is the same hawk toward dusk, surveying the cityscape below.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ocean Beach Hunter

I spent half an hour at Ocean Beach today with this Red-tail who seemed to be hunting, albeit casually. The ravens had a thing or two to say but they too seemed to go about their mobbing of the hawk rather casually. He didn't seem troubled. Nice bird.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Crissy Field Christmas

On my way home I was turning left at Crissy field in the lovely dusk light and saw a Great Blue Heron pluck a gopher from the ground. I lept out of my car but was too late. It had already flown to the water, dipped it in, and swallowed it whole.

Above me a Kestrel was hovering, a pair of adult Red-tails sat in the crown of a nearby pine, and the Long-billed Curlew was going through its shrill repertoire of calls. I decided to see what might happen next.

I ended up stalking that Great Blue Heron for 90 minutes. It got dark and I thought about leaving... but didn't. It got cold and stiff fingers made it difficult to make quick adjustments to the settings on my camera. That heron was determined and I decided to wait it out with him. He ended up with a substantial prize and I ended up with some grainy, moody photos... and I learned that getting stabbed in the neck will make your bladder fail. 

Graphic stuff - but the stuff of life.

Merry Christmas.

The safest way to hold your christmas heron.

Curlew up close.

Tipping out of the treetop.

Banking in sunlight. (view this one larger)

In flight with freshly caught prey.

Heading for water to dip the meal, making it easier to swallow.

Stabbed through the neck and trying to pee on the heron. Fighting to the last.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Exploring the Delta

I left the house just after 6 am and headed for the hills in search of hawks and cranes. After a full 12 hour day exploring highway 12, I returned exhausted and fulfilled. Constant looking takes energy. Beautiful light, beautiful day. Here are a few highlights.

(I highly recommend clicking to view the photos in real detail)

Kestrel flare.

White-tailed Kite with prey.

It is easier to find birds when the signs are pointing them out.

Red-shafted Flicker

Northern Harrier

Red-tailed Hawk launch.

Kestrel on the hunt.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Retroactive Moments

Here are a few strange, lovely, decisive, or puzzling moments from the past year.

Red-shouldered Hawk rising from the deep.

Goldfinch battle.

Plucked from the surface.

Close encounter.

Great Blue Heron juvenile takes the plunge.

Kestrel in mid-turn.

King of the skies eats a fly.
(captive bird, UofM Raptor Center)

Allen's touchdown.

Anna's hummingbird lazy in the sun.

Face to face.

Glass scuplture.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Anna's Up Close

Since the Red-tail only made brief appearances, I spent time with a few high-flying, dueling Anna's hummingbirds. This male landed near me and seemed quite relaxed... as relaxed as a hummingbird can be I guess. I'm always amazed by their remarkable iridescence. (Please click on the images to see the beautiful little details)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Worm Patrol

Some interesting moments from two morning hours spent with the young Red-tail. Rain keeps the gophers underground but brings out the worms. We'll see if drier weather helps him secure a proper meal.

Click on images for a closer look.

Stalking worms on the sidewalk. (View larger - click image)

Landing in the pines.

Putting on the brakes.

Watching traffic.

Going for a stroll.


On location.