I started with another trip to Stow Lake and upon arriving a Coyote came into view trotting nonchalantly down the road. No Glaucous-winged Gulls at Stow. I'm somehow fascinated by them because they are new to me. It is an exciting time in any endeavor when there is so much yet to learn, that even the relatively mundane can be spectacular. At Lloyd Lake I was watching for the Hooded Merganser and the first gull to settle near my feet was a GWG. It turns out there were 2 of them there today. I finally got one of the Common Mergansers comfortable enough with my presence that it fell asleep after some preening. Back at Stow Lake something triggered repeated Mallard fly-bys and the geese were feeling territorial. In the midst of it all, a Green Heron flew by. I know it's a lot of pictures, but - this is one of those rare media where you can over-share a little and people make their own choices by clicking. Anyway, thanks for looking - I'll do my best to keep it interesting.

Coyote after the storm.

Just a lovely pose.

The first Gull that I surmise is a Glaucous-winged.

Wings in motion.

Grey to the tips.

This is the other GWG, I think it is a 3rd year because the bill still has some black in it, but the plumage is clean so, I'm not sure. Gulls aren't really my specialty.

Beautiful wings.

Common Merganser.

Territorial Goose.
(click to view larger)
Green Heron comes out of nowhere.

While the Mallards criss-cross giving me a chance to practice my skills.

Wind flattened vegetation at Stow Lake.
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