Feeling sick as a... sick dog, I took the slow way home to recuperate with a film and all the remedies prescribed by my kind friends. But as is often the case, I find being outside therapeutic, even in the stop start rain and brisk wind. So I bundled up and made a few stops on my way home. The PFA lagoon offered up some relaxed geese. The Burrowing Owl at Sutro has had to suffer power-washing near its rock wall and people meandering off trail towards its crevice, so unsurprisingly, it was out. At Lloyd Lake a Great Egret fished in the run-off from the falls and in the distance, the glowing spot of the Hooded Merganser's crest gave it away. The other Mergansers were quite active, surfacing with fish of all sorts and covering the entire area of the small lake. Now I'm home with warm soup and ginger-lemon-everything... ahhhhh.
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